Christians and War
My Journey from Marine To
Christian Pacifist
10 year Veteran-- "One of the best books I've read on pacifism."
This book is valuable. It was written by a former Marine which sounds strange considering its subject. But as a former Marine myself I firmly believe that those of us who have been to war are quick to reject it. This book answered many questions about the peace of God and the Old Testament. It was very helpful to me in that area.
–D. Morris’ Review on Amazon Kindle.
Like you, I am a former U.S. Marine who became a pacifist. I came to evangelical faith in Christ while serving in the Marine Corps in 1978.--
Rev. Joseph L. Cumming
Pastor, International Church at Yale
* * *

About Michael Snow
While serving in the U. S. Marine Corps, idealism faded under the harsh sun of reality as Michael struggled with training for warfare in the light of Christian conviction. When selected for captain, he was convinced that he ought to resign his commission as an officer. The pilgrimage continued as the following months were spent immersed in Scripture.
If you are looking for an academic work, this book is not it. This is the testimony of a twenty-something Marine and Christian grappling with the Resurrection faith and the Lordship of Christ Jesus.
Graduate of the University of South Dakota, 1970
U.S. Marine Corps, 1970-73
National Park Service: ROMO, ROMO W., and Death Valley, 1974-83
M. Div., Earlham, 1981
Family Farmer, to present
First Published by friends United Press
Christian Pacifism: Fruit of the Narrow Way
You do Not Need to own either a Nook or Kindle. Both provide PC Ap.
My Blogs
Charles Spurgeon Quotes on War and Christians
Christian Pacifism Resources Page
Texts in Context My main blog --see 'Articles Index-links' button at top for posts on "Two Swords" and "Romans 13"